'Heel Erg Anders' (original English title: Rain or Shine) is autobiographical. It is about my son, his autistic disorder and my struggles.
以英文創作,書名為《Rain or Shine》,中文書名暫定為《風雨無阻》的自傳式繪本小說,是我的第一本繪本作品。這是我的真實故事,關於我的兒子,他的自閉症,以及我們的奮鬥歷程。
Shiuan-Wen had a demanding career as architect in Rotterdam when she discovered that he four-year-old son Lennert is autistic. Once the shock subsided, she did everything she could to respond to his disorders. During this struggling process, she was also confronted by the influence of his handicaps on her own life. How long can she still go on as a Superwoman?
In this autobiographic graphic novel, Shiuan-Wen deepens her knowledge in autism and describes her fight to ensure her son a carefree childhood and to teach him mundane everyday living skills. She looks at Lennert through a mother's desperate and fascinated eyes. Autism crushes her down, but Lennert brought Shiuan-Wen in contact with many important things which she forgot during her career-climbing years.
Is Lennert ever going to be OK? No matter what happens, his mother will be there- together with the family- to do anything and go anywhere necessary- rain or shine- until her last breath.