Friday, October 31, 2014

Chu Cat Chronicle, number 5, pg 38-39

馬賽的老城區: Panier, 翻譯成中文就是 '籃子' 的意思. 現在成為藝術家和手工達人們的新據點, 沿著丘陵地形的狹窄街道充滿朝氣. 各式各樣的店: 蛋糕店, 巧克力甜品店, 骨董店, 雜貨店, 服裝首飾店, 家具店, 燈飾店, 餐廳, 美容沙龍, 藝廊, 咖啡店, 陶藝店, 酒莊, 冰淇淋, 藝術家工作室...
一家咖啡店, 叫做 '一杯茶' Cup of Tea, 是書店和咖啡店的結合. 這是我的最愛~ 什麼時候, 我也來開一間咖啡店+書店+我的工作室~

Old quarter in Marseille- Le Panier, meaning the basket, is the historic heart of Marseille. The Panier is loved and occupied by artists, craftsmen and old inhabitants. The old narrow streets winds up and down along the hilly contour. All kinds of shops (un-gentrified, very special)- cake, chocolate, antique, grocery, fashion, jewllery, furniture, lighting, restaurant, beauty salon, art gallery, cafe, wine shop, ice cream, artist studio... Authentic!
There is a cafe called 'Cup of Tea'. A combination of cafe and bookstore. My favorite. When will I also make my own 'Book Cafe'? My cafe+ book store+ studio...

(明天繼續連載 / to be continued tomorrow)