Thursday, January 1, 2015

Heel Erg Anders publicity: FD Persoonlijk

荷蘭財經日報周刊, 這個周末的人物專訪, 標題: 犧牲
三個人物: 一個男人, 為了事業, 犧牲婚姻家庭. 另一個正在創業男人, 為了照顧病危的父親, 在父親和事業間的抉擇. 還有一個東方女人...FD Persoonlijk
27/28 December 2014, nr. 52, jaargang 10.
Title: Het Offer (blz. 18)
The title: The Sacrifice. Three persons: one man gave up his marriage and family for career. Another man who's starting his own company, struggled to take care of his sick father. And an Asian woman...