Monday, October 1, 2012

Peanutman 花生人

I got this crazy idea to make some peanut dolls. My son made the one on the left. He calls it 'the Ghost'. The peanut woman in the middle is Amy Winehouse. 
You got any good Peanutman? Post it on Chu Cat Chronicle's page on Facebook!

我神來一筆想到這個絕妙的創作靈感:花生人。左邊的是我兒子做的,他說這個是鬼。(因爲秋天來了,可怕的萬聖節再過一個月就到了)右邊的花生女是Amy Winehouse艾美懷斯。
你也做出了花生人嗎?趕快放在臉書Chu Cat Chronicle的粉絲團頁面上噢!